Web Browser Download Modification Page for Apple II

This Web site was based on information from Neil Parker.

If your Internet system is running UNIX, the solution is fairly simple. Use a text editor to create a file called ".mime.types" in your home directory, and put the following lines into it:

application/x-Shrinkit shk SHK sdk SDK Sdk Shk
application/x-BinaryII bny BNY bsq BSQ bxy BXY Bsq Bny Bxy bsc BSC Bsc BQY bqy Bqy

This tells your web browser to recognize Shrinkit and Binary II files as binary. It also puts the word "Shrinkit" or "BinaryII" in the file type column as appropriate.

If you don't have a file called .mime.types and you want to get one already with the Apple II filetypes, you can get it and save it as .mime.types in your "~/" directory.

If your Internet system is running some operating system other than UNIX, the .mime.types feature should still be available, but the file name will probably be different, so you'll have to do some research to find out what file name your operating system uses instead of ".mime.types". VMS computers use the name "MIME.TYPES"; I don't know what name other operating systems use.

Netscape users (those on PCs and Macs): Select the Options Menu and choose Preferences. You want to modify the Helper Applications. That screen choice is found in the pop-up button at the top of the Preference window.
Select the button New. A new window will open. Type "application" for the Mime Type. Type "x-Shrinkit" for the Mime SubType. Press OK.
Select the line in the list of the MIME Type that says application/x-Shrinkit. At the prompt for "Extensions," type "shk SHK sdk SDK Sdk Shk". For the action, choose "Save." You have finished the Shrinkit file types.
Select the button New. A new window will open. Type "application" for the Mime Type. Type "x-BinaryII" for the Mime SubType. Press OK.
Select the line in the list of the MIME Type that says "application/x-BinaryII." At the prompt for "Extensions," type "bny BNY bxy BXY bsq BSQ Bny Bxy Bsq bsc BSC Bsc bqy BQY Bqy". For the action, choose "Save." You have finished the Binary II file types.

Windows 95 Internet Explorer users (the Microsoft browser): Select "View" and "Options". Select the tab "File Type."
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Shrinkit Disk Archive". Associated Extension is "sdk". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-Shrinkit".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Shrinkit Disk Archive". Associated Extension is "SDK". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-Shrinkit".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Shrinkit Disk Archive". Associated Extension is "Sdk". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-Shrinkit".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Shrinkit File Archive". Associated Extension is "shk". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-Shrinkit".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Shrinkit File Archive". Associated Extension is "SHK". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-Shrinkit".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Shrinkit File Archive". Associated Extension is "Shk". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-Shrinkit".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "bny". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "BNY". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "Bny". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "bxy". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "BXY". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "Bxy". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "bsq". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "BSQ". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "Bsq". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "bsc". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "BSC". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "Bsc". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "bqy". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "BQY". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".
Click the "New Type" button. Description is "Binary II File". Associated Extension is "Bqy". Content_Type (MIME) is "application/x-BinaryII".

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